She explained why the field is required and what needed to be done to “un-require” it. today to ask how I can remove that required field. We are very small company and only have one employee who is tracking his time and therefore, we do not need time tracking at that detailed level.
With one of the latest updates - I’m not sure if it was a TSheets update or a QuickBooks update - The mobile version of the time tracking system required that my employees select a customer when tracking their time. Terms, conditions, pricing, special features, and service and support options subject to change without notice.

Get real-time reports in multiple formats (PDF, CSV, online, HTML).
Save on payroll costs and eliminate manual data entry.Oversee team productivity and project status, and adjust budget, deadlines, and resources as needed (QuickBooks Time Elite only).See day and week totals, plus other time reports, at a glance.Track vacation, sick, or holiday accruals for employees.Push, text and email alerts are triggered if employees don’t clock in as scheduled, or approach overtime.Set up a geofence that reminds your team to clock in or out when they enter or leave a job site (QuickBooks Time Elite only).See who’s working and where in real time.Add photos and updates in a project activity feed (QuickBooks Time Elite only).Switch jobs, pause tracking, or take a break.

Submit and track paid time off, sick days, and holidays.Clock in and out, even without Wi-Fi or service.Access pay stubs, W-2s, and other pay info anytime, anywhere.Time tracking features are available to businesses that use QuickBooks Time. Pay features are available to businesses that use QuickBooks Online Payroll & QuickBooks Desktop Payroll. QuickBooks Workforce-an app for QuickBooks Payroll and QuickBooks Time (formerly TSheets)-lets teams view pay info and track time in one place.