In this article, historical background and possible underlying reasons of that rivalry will be discussed with every possible aspect. This rapprochement constituted a turning point at Franco-German rivalry and eventually led to spill-over effects ranging from politics to social life. In the lights of these developments, especially after WW2, the first seeds of the integration, rather than destruction, have been planted with the common intention of hand over main war materials coal and steel to supranational organization. World History teaching resources for the high school classroom: lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes and simulation games for KS3, IGCSE, IB and A-Level teachers. After great sufferings and devastating years regarding three world wars, in line with the economic recovery, social settlement and notably national interests have brought into common ground. It is located amongst the hills of Verdun and is one of Europe’s leading World War I museums, opening in 1967.

This historical rivalry and relative competition could have been utilized for the aim of Europe’s prosperity and peace. The Verdun Memorial is the most inclusive monument and museum to visit to learn more about the region and its tireless battles. This rivalry between France and Germany many times turned Europe to a draconian continent by aggravating millions of people’s life. Actually, this hostility has exacerbated during the World War I & II. This article mainly aims to identify underlying reasons of long-lasting Franco- German enmity in the Europe specifically regarding 1870 Franco-Prussia war and the other two world wars.